Yeah! She finally passes the 10kg mark after 20 long months! My little petite girl is 10.2 kg. As for her height, it's always a challenge to make her stand still, let alone standing still against the height chart pasted on the wall. So I guessed she's near 80 cm...
There were funny moments when she tried to talk as the words uttered really make us laugh. Such as..
"I wa mook!"
means: I want milk!
and when she tries to call mommy & auntie at the same time, what came out of her mouth is "ma..di", which sounds like "mati" (malay word for die). Hahaa..
She enjoys playing ball with us. Hey, sounds tomboyish huh.. but she likes to hug her new pink Care Bear too. Back to playing ball, she'll be so excited that she'll shout:
"Di.. GO!!"
meaning: Ready, GO!
She recognises her fave cartoon characters such as the red puppet Elmo in Sesame Street and she says "Elmo!" and Mickey or Minnie Mouse, and she'll say "mouse".
There's once when Jiejie accidentally knocks her head against Caryn's and Jiejie apologises by saying "sorry". Caryn echoes "very"! Haha.. not sure if it's because she's can't verbalise the "s" sound & what came out of her mouth is the "v" sound instead.
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