Friday, February 20, 2009

2 months old

Little Caryn is now 4.2kg at 2 months old.

Phew. She exceeded the target weight gain set by the PD. We took up the 5-in-1 vaccination package & so there's no jab on the 2nd month. We only need to bring her to the Hospital to record her weight.

Btw her temperament is still much the same... ie she'll yell at the top of her voice if she doesn't get milk soon enough. Imagine a tiny bod with the loudest voice! I bet our neighbours can hear her too. We pretty much put up with her impatience as we reckon a hungry baby is an angry baby... hee. I'm actually quite glad that she drinks milk more readily than her JieJie. Hopefully she's not a fussy eater as she grows up *fingers crossed*

Monday, February 9, 2009

Best Friend

Her latest best friend, that she misses sorely & can't do without, is none other than the p.a.c.i.f.i.e.r.

The maid had earlier said it's better not to give her the pacifier, just as we didn't offer to her JieJie. However, one day, I discovered Caryn's mouth was stuck with one! And she was happily & of course quietly enjoying it. Then I realise the pacifier is a great invention to keep the sanity of the adult who's looking after a non-stop wailing baby. I bet the maid really tak boleh tahan her cryings, especially at nights.

Her Daddy thought she looked so pitiful sucking a piece of silicon but soon realised it's not enough! The invention needs further enhancement... 2 pieces of duct tape, one on each side to stick to the sides of the mouth so that the pacifier won't fall off. Whahahaa.. what evil genius!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tiny, tiny, so tiny

The tiny hand & fingers that made me swoon

... and the tiny feet that made me go head over heels

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So Sweet!

This photo is my favourite so far. She flashes a gently sweet smile that my sloooow camera miraculously managed to capture. Her proud mom had the above pic enlarged to 5R & now it sits on the shelf in the children's room.

There were a few instances that she smiles widely, but those moments came by too suddenly that I couldn't grab my camera fast enough. What a waste not being able to capture on film but I'm glad it stays in my memory :)