Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy 15 months!

With 11 teeth - 3 molars, 4 front upper & 4 lower teeth, her appetite is still as adventurous as ever. She dares to try noodles with chilli and has no complaints as her Daddy attempts to feed her.

However, she has milk fuss, and would fervently shake her head and wave her hand to signal 'no' when she sees the milk bottle.. haiz..

Nowadays I'm playing the "Your Baby Can Read" VCDs for her to watch more frequently. After a few sessions, she can identify the words eg wave, nose, head with its corresponding actions :) Her favourites are still songs, especially "If You're Happy" and "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes". She would stand up and get ready for action when the VCD reach that segment.

There was once I lip-kissed JieJie and she saw it. A few moments later, she came walking up to me wanting to kiss me! So sweet! I'm pleasantly delighted :)

She also understands when I asked her to kiss JieJie, and she would bring her face close to JieJie to kiss her lips.. such a loving sight! Awww...