Saturday, April 18, 2009

Target to Meet

There're targets to meet at work, and that by itself is stressful enough. Now, there's yet another target to meet, set by the PD, that is, Caryn have to gain at least 500g per month.

My tiny, little Caryn weighs 5.2kg at 4 months and is still at the 15 percentile. Hmm... is the pink weighing scale at the hospital inaccurate? Maybe I'd put her on the blue weighing scale during the next visit.. hehe.

Length-wise, she's ok as she's at the 50 percentile.

But her arms & legs looked quite chubby, although not very chubby, I mean she doesn't look as though she's underweight. Anyway, PD suggested we start her on semi-solid, ie cereal.

When it's time for the jab, I knew exactly what to do. Judging from the previous experience that she would stopped yelling with the pacifier on, I stuffed the pacifier into her mouth even before the needle poked her this time.

Guess what? I was right! When the needle went through, she was shocked for a spilt second and recovered almost immediately by sucking the pacifier. No cries. No sound at all, except perhaps the sound of sucking.

Wow! PD says she's a brave girl.

Wow! The wonders of a pacifier, thank goodness! I thought to myself.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caryn flips

After a few days of intensive practising, Caryn finally successfully flips :) She was training hard for 3-4 days, as she would sound as tho' she uses a lot of strength, erh.. erh... But she never gave up! She even tried rolling in the middle of the night when she woke up. Perservance pays off, and now there she is, she would just flip in the blink of an eye.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lifts up head at 16 weeks

Another milestone achieved.. Caryn can lift up her head on tummy position at 16 weeks. While doing so, her saliva drips continuously.. hehe.. maybe her pearlies are emerging? Oh yes, although she's still toothless, she shows interest when she sees the adults munching our food. This little girl at 3+months has already tasted small mouthfuls of rice, bits of soft fish & happily swallowed all :)

At 3 & a half months, she had another of her first.. haircut, done by Ah-Ma.