Sunday, August 16, 2009

3rd teeth

Caryn's 3rd teeth erupted at the bottom shortly after her 2nd.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Crooked Tooth

Hubby discovered Caryn's bottom tooth is crooked instead of growing out straight. Arrgh.. He attributed it to the over-sucking of pacifier and put a ban on it. Thinking ahead, we wouldn't want our girl to wear braces in future.

Being the 1st day of the ban, Caryn was not used to it when she's sleeping at night and she fussed. So the decision was reduce the reliance on the pacifier gradually instead of depriving her of it suddenly. Thus she will go 'pacifier-less' during the day while at night she gets to enjoy it so that all we adults enjoy a peaceful night of sleep too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Caryn pulls herself up to stand

I liked it that she crawls towards me, grab my legs and my body to pull herself up to stand.

She'll smiles widely, clap her hands & kick her legs when she finally manages to stand upright.

When she stands & holds onto the bed's headboard, she can slowly move sideways a few steps. My little baby is very agile at 1 week before she turns 8 months. She likes to move alot and is a very active baby, probably because she's born as a 'night mouse' :-)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Holding Hands

大手牵小手 温暖在心头
Holding her hands at 6+weeks -> see here

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tooth Fairy visits again

Tooth Fairy has returned to plant another upper tooth for little Caryn. Yippee, now she has 2 - 1 upper & 1 lower. The lack of teeth, however, doesn't hinder her from eating solids.. yes! She loves the food that is dished out from JieJie's bowl :-) Somehow other people's food is always more tasty, huh?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saying pa & ma sounds

One evening after I came home from work, I greeted my little darling who was sitting on the stroller, and I turned to walk back to my room. She surprised me by yelling "ma.. ma" loudly. I would love to think that she's calling me.. How sweet!

Now that she can crawl, whenever I put her down near me, she would crawl towards me & tried to grab me to stand up. I felt good that she wanted to be with me although I don't get to spend alot of time with her.

Another happy moments is when she sees JieJie bath. Yeah.. the curious little gal just likes to be around JieJie. She loves to look at the mirror in the bathroom, at the other baby who smiles back at her.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Caryn crawls on fours at 7.5 months

She's a fast developer physically as she started to crawl on all fours at 7.5 months.

Watch her here: